| Amanda Laoupi |
| | | | Dr Amanda Laoupi, Archaeoenvironmentalist and Disaster Specialist, born in Athens on August 19, 1968. * Founder of the interdisciplinary scientific field of Disaster Archaeology (2005) * Founder and Webmaster of websites on Archaeodisasters (2010) * Founder and Webmaster of the Network on Disaster Archaeology (2010) * Evaluator of ESF - COST proposals/reports (European Science Foundation Strasbourg FR) * Online member of EPA (European Projects Association - Brussels Belgium)
* Disaster Archaeology * Reconstruction of archaeoenvironments * Environmental, Landscape, Salvage & Public Archaeology * Crisis Research * Risk Management of Cultural Heritage * Disaster Mythology, Archaeomythology, Astromythology, Ethnoastronomy * Palaeopathology * Palaeoecology * Underwater, Island & Coastal Archaeology * Environmental Education * Expert Systems in Archaeological Theory & Practice * Spatial Technologies & Professional Photography * Environmental management * Cultural Psychology * Social & Cultural Anthropology * Visual Anthropology
Post-Doctoral From March 2005 toDecember 2004 & March - April 2004 to December 2003 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Faculty of History and Archaeology. Department of Archaeology and History of Arts (Lesson : Environmental Archaeology) in collaboration with the Department of Geology -University of Patras (Laboratory of Marine Geology & Physical Oceanography / Laboratory of Geophysics) Interdisciplinary two-cycle seminars in 'Earth Sciences & Environmental Studies' taught by 7 scientists. Various fields covered (e.g. Marine Geology, Physical Oceanography, Paleoclimatology, New Techniques & Methodologies, Stratigraphy, Statistics, GIS applications, Archaeoseismology, Geophysics, Geomythology, Marine Archaeology)
Post-Graduate (B' Level) From 1992 to 1999 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Faculty of History and Archaeology. Department of Archaeology and History of Arts:Environmental Archaeology & Eco-philosophy PhD (Doctorate of Philosophy) in Environmental Archaeology Protocol no 111 (25/11/1999). With distinction. Title of PhD Thesis: The reconstruction of the ecosystem of Attica during the Classical Period, according to the Methodology and the Ecological Principles of the Environmental Archaeology and the Aristotelian Philosophy (Greek text)
Post-Graduate (A' Level) Fall / Winter 1990 - 1991 Goulandris Museum of Natural History in collaboration with EU in the frame work of granted post-graduate studies Interdisciplinary sessions of Environmental Studies taught by 18 scientists. Various fields covered (e.g. Geology, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Biology, Ecology, Management of Natural & Cultural Heritage, Economics, Law, New Technologies & Environmental Development, Chemistry, Climatology) MSc (Master of Science) in Environmental Protection and Management by the National Universities of Ioannina & Athens, Graduated first in rank
1990 - 1998 Goulandris Museum of Natural History, Athens Participation in the research team of the Museum' s Workshop of Ecology Specialist in the study of environmental issues related to ancient civilizations
University From October 1986 to June 1990 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Faculty of History and Archaeology. 40 thematic units (e.g. Methodological Issues on History and Archaeology, Paleolithic - Neolithic / Bronze Age / Historic / Hellenistic & Roman, Byzantine & Medieval, Post-byzantine & Modern History and Archaeology, Mediterranean Cultures, Greek & Latin Philology, Philosophy, New Perspectives in Archaeological Sciences, Linguistics, Psychology & Pedagogics). Title of Thesis for the Diploma 'Issues of Palaeopathology'. National Higher Diploma in Archaeology and History of Arts. Protocol no 32 (25/9/1990). Qualified of Grade A (8.7 /10). State Scholarship Foundation of Greece - scholarship for B.Sc. studies (1986 - 1990)
Secondary From 1980 to 1986 Private French High School of Saint Joseph (École Franco-Hellénique), Athens General Secondary Education - National Diploma. Graduated top of class with A degree (19 8/10).
Mother Tongue: Greek & ancient Greek
Other languages: French (Sorbonne I & II - Practical Certificate for the French Language since 1986) Reading Skills: Excellent Writing Skills: Excellent Verbal: Excellent
English (First Certificate in English: Grade A + attendance of the two year Proficiency Cycle) Reading Skills: Excellent Writing Skills: Excellent Verbal: Excellent
Spanish, Italian & Latin, German: basic knowledge
Learning Arabic
Computing Skills: Excellent MacOs, Windows Quark X'Press, Word Office, Photoshop, Internet browsing, CorelDraw, Flash Maker, Internet Interface applications * ArcView 9.0 & ArcGIS Extensions (certificates of attendance from MARATHON DATA SYSTEMS + practice on evaluated edition) * Application & use in the formation of a GIS platform for the assessment of cultural targets within the limits of Eastern Attica Prefecture (SIPROCI & NOE Projects)
From: January 2009 (starting date) Interdisciplinary Institute for the Research of Ancient Cultures & Archaeoenvironments (IIRACA)- Non-profit Institution Vice President - Scientific Manager / Head of Innovation and Special Projects / Director of Communications Main activities & responsibilities : * Management of Institute's scientific activities * Institute's public relationships * Preparation of seminars, speeches and other activities * Collaboration with the interdisciplinary scientific team in the expedition "Plato Project" in NW Africa * Study of environmental/disaster issues related to ancient civilizations
From: February 2005 (starting date) National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). Centre for the Assessment of Natural Hazards and Proactive Planning. Associate Researcher / Research Officer . Post-doc position (Archaeology of Natural Disasters) Main activities & responsibilities : * Participation in European research programs (SIPROCI, NOE) in collaboration with the Prefecture of Eastern Attica SIPROCI : 20 / 10 / 2005 - 20 / 9/ 2006 NOE : (phase A') 1 / 12 / 2005 - 31 / 3 / 2006 (phase B') 1 / 4 / 2006 - 31 / 12 / 2006 (phase C') 1 / 3 / 2007 - 31 / 5 / 2007 (phase D') 1 / 6 / 2007 - 31 / 7 / 2007 * Establishment of the interdisciplinary scientific field of the Archaeology of Natural Disasters & the Risk Management of Cultural Heritage * Promotion of the communicative & educational profile of the Centre * Member of the Hellenic Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing
From: February 1998 to June 2001 Goulandris Museum of National History - GAIA Centre for the Environmental Research and Education - Non-profit Institution External Consultant / Independent Researcher. Post-doc position Main activities & responsibilities : * Creation of the archaeological sector in the Museum * Promotion of the communicative & educational profile concerning the archaeological exhibits * Study of environmental issues related to ancient civilizations
From: October 2006 University of Patras. Department of Geology. Sector of Applied Geophysics (Professor: Stavros Papamarinopoulos) - Post-doctoral Researcher Main activities & responsibilities: * Organization & promotion of the interdisciplinary scientific field of Disaster Archaeology * Spreading of the educational field of Geomythology * Elaboration of a digital model (d-base) for data derived from the above-mentioned scientific fields * Founder member of the 'Society for the Study of Ancient Greek Mythology'
From: October 1990 to 2005 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Faculty of History and Archaeology. Department of Archaeology and History of Arts (Lesson : Environmental Archaeology. Professor : Lilian Karali) - Scientific Collaborator Main activities & responsibilities : * Preparation of seminars, speeches and other activities * Preparation of the educational collection of archaeoenvironmental exhibits in the Museum of Archaeology (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Philosophy) & donation of anthropological material * Preparation of the archaeoenvironmental sector in the Library of Archaeology (Athens University, School of Philosophy) * Use of digital technologies in the promotion of archaeoenvironmental information (creation of a digitized d-base at the Department of History and Archaeology - Athens University) * Integrated study for the reevaluation of environmental studies at Athens University with emphasis on the foundation of a new Laboratory for archaeoenvironmental research * Collaboration with the interdisciplinary scientific team in the study of excavational material from Lion Cave on Hymettus mountain (2003 - 2007 project : Athens University & Ephorate of Palaeoantrhopology and Speleology) * Founder member of the Interdisciplinary Scientific Team of Environmental Archaeology (Athens University)
From: 1990 to 2005 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Faculty of History and Archaeology. Department of Archaeology and History of Arts. Professor : Lilian Karali in collaboration with Associate Professor of Paleoantrhopology S. Manolis (Department of Biology - Athens University) - Member in research team Main activities & responsibilities : Registration, Categorization and Study of paleoanthropological excavational material from Greece
2011 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.School of Sciences. Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment (Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Programme: Prevention and Management of Natural Disasters) - Visiting Lecturer Main activities & responsibilities: Lecture for postgraduate students Subject : Disaster Archaeology. Theories, Methods and Practice
2006 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Sciences. Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment (Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Programme: Prevention and Management of Natural Disasters) - Visiting Lecturer Main activities & responsibilities: Lecture for postgraduate students Subject : Introducing Disaster Archaeology
2004 / 2003 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Faculty of History and Archaeology. Department of Archaeology and History of Arts (Lesson : Prehistoric Archaeology C', IA 26. Professor : Lilian Karali) - Chief Assistant - Seminars Main activities & responsibilities: Lecturing at the 'Archaeoenvironmental' Series of Seminars. Subject : Disaster Archaeology. Issues on Methodology, Terminology and Organization of Archaeoenvironmental Information
1992 - 1998 National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Faculty of History and Archaeology. Department of Archaeology and History of Arts (Lesson : Environmental Archaeology. Professor : Lilian Karali) - PhD candidate- Seminars Main activities & responsibilities: Lectures for undergraduate students Subject : Palaeopathology
BOOKS (translations - reviews - commentaries)
Laoupi, Amanda (2011): Paper commentary of: Genetics Indicates Extra-Terrestrial Origin of Life: The First Gene by R. Joseph and Chandra Wickramasinghe). In press by Journal of Cosmology, October 2011.
Laoupi, Amanda (2011): Book review of: Disaster Archaeology, by RICHARD A. GOULD (2007). University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. 253 pp. In: Ethnoarchaeology, Vol. 3, No. 2 (Fall 2011), pp. 221-228.
Laoupi, Amanda contributor in: Karali L. (2001) Archaeology. Theories, Methods and Practice (1st ed.), translation of C. Renfrew's & P. Bahn's book, Thames and Hudson, London, 1996 (1st ed.). Athens: Kardamitsas
Laoupi, Amanda contributor in: Karali L. (1998) A Bilingual Dictionary of Archaeological Environmental Terms (2nd ed.), Athens: Ellinika Grammata. & (1994) (1st ed.)Athens: Bibliosynergatiki.
30. Laoupi, Amanda, (2011). Gods in Heaven, Havoc on EarthAncient Greek and Sanskrit Parallels of Comet / Meteor Gods. 2011 Conference of Quantavolution, 7 - 10 October, Athens, Greece. 29. Laoupi, Amanda, (2011). The Volcanic Landscapes in Disaster Mythology of the ancient Mediterranean World. 2011 Conference of Quantavolution, 7 - 10 October, Athens, Greece. 28. Laoupi, Amanda, (2011). Contribution in the Working Meeting of Experts of the HYDRIA Project. 22 - 23 March, MIO Premises, Athens, Greece. 27. Laoupi, Amanda, (2010). Disaster Archaeology and the Classics. Environmental Crises, Societal Collapse and Disaster Management in the Works of Plato and Aristotle. (English text). "Plato, Platonism and the Moderns", XXIth International Symposium of the OLYMPIC CENTER FOR PHILOSOPHY AND CULTURE July 25-29, 2010, Ancient Olympia and Pyrgos, Greece. In press 26. Laoupi, Amanda, (2010). Fires from Heaven. Comets and Diseases in circum-Mediterranean Disaster Myths. 2010 Conference of Quantavolution, May 23 - 26, Villaines - la - Gonais, France. Online publication at: http://www.2010-q-conference.com/amandalaoupi/index.html & http://archaeodisasters.blogspot.com/p/disaster-mythology.html 25. Mitsakaki, Christiane & Laoupi, Amanda , (2008) : Assessment of appropriate monitoring methods for the mitigation of Natural Hazards' impact on Tourist Sites. FIG Commission and UNECE Committee on Housing and Land Management. Joint Workshop on 'SPATIAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT TOWARD ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT OF MEGA-CITIES'. Valencia, 18 - 21 February 2008. (English text). Printed in: Surveying and Land Information Science, Vol. 69, No. 1, 2009, pp. 29-38. 24. Zervakou, Alexandra, Kordopatis, P. & Laoupi, Amanda (2007) : GIS Methods and Techniques in the Cultural Management, for the Assessment of natural and human-induced hazards. The case study of Eastern Attica. 17? Panhellenic Conference of ArcGIS software users. ESRI / Marathon Data, Athens, 7 - 9 November 2007. (Greek text). 23. Pararas - Carayannis, G. & & Laoupi, Amanda (2007) : The Role and Social Significance of Women and Youth in ancient Mediterranean Cultures in Sustaining Development through connection with Sea as revealed by implied symbolisms of Marine Mythology. Pacem in Maribus XXXII 'WOMEN, YOUTH AND THE SEA', Malta, 5 - 8 November 2007 (Paper & Poster presentation, English text). In press 22. Laoupi, Amanda , (2007) : The landscapes of memory. Classical Polis and the Urban Ecosystem's Analysis. 8th Panhellenic Conference of the Greek Geographic Society, Athens, 4 -7 October 2007. (English text). Printed proceedings, Athens 2010, vol. III, pp. 60 - 73. 21. Laoupi, Amanda & Papamarinopoulos S. (2007) : The voices of the sediments. How can Disaster Archaeology read the geo-archives of past catastrophies. 25th IAS meeting of Sendimentologists 'SEDIMENTOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT', 4 -7 September 2007, Patras, Greece. (English text). 20. Laoupi, Amanda & Tsakiris, G., (2007) : Assessing Vulnerability in Cultural Landscapes. International Symposium of EWRA, 'WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: NEW APPROACHES & TECHNOLOGIES', 14 - 16 June 2007, Chania, Greece. In: Proceedings, G.P. Karatzas, M.P. Papadopoulou & K.P. Tsagarakis (eds), Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete, pp. 149 - 156. (English text). 19. Laoupi, Amanda , (2007) : Human-induced Water Hazards and Cultural Heritage. An Overview. International Symposium of EWRA, 'WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: NEW APPROACHES & TECHNOLOGIES', 14 - 16 June 2007, Chania, Greece. In: Proceedings, G.P. Karatzas, M.P. Papadopoulou & K.P. Tsagarakis (eds), Department of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete, pp. 139 - 147. (English text). 18. Gregoriades, T., Laoupi, Amanda, et. al. (2007) : Presentation of the Research Project 'PROTO-HELLENIC ASTRONOMICAL DEVICES' in the exhibition 'GODS, MYTHS AND MORTAL', Children's Museum of Manhattan (CMOM), May 2007. 17. Laoupi, Amanda , (2007) : The multi-symbolic profile of the caves. Spiritual landscapes, disaster environments and cultural monuments. In, J, Jensen and F. Mavridis (ed.), Stable places and changing perceptions. Cave archaeology in Greece and adjacent areas Aarhus University Press, Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens, Vol. 8. (English text). In press 16. Laoupi, Amanda, (2006) :Vulnerability Assessment of Cultural Sites. Participation within the workpackage presented by a interdisciplinary scientific team of the Centre for the Assessment of Natural Hazards and Proactive Planning (NTUA). Meeting organized by the Centre: 'Presentation of Phase B' of the project NOE / LITTORISK', Attica Meeting, Athens, 14 - 15 December 2006 (English text). 15. Laoupi, Amanda, Kyriakopoulos, K., Sideris, K. & Papamarinopoulos, St. (2006): Odysseus' journey in the archaeoenvironments of Western Mediterranean. Poster presentation. International Symposium on 'SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN HOMERIC EPICS', 27-30 August 2006, Ancient Olympia, Greece. (English text). 14. Laoupi, Amanda , (2006) : The Divine Fires of Creation. Homeric Hephaistos as a Comet / Meteor God. International Symposium on 'SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN HOMERIC EPICS', 27-30 August 2006, Ancient Olympia, Greece. Printed in: a) S. A. Paipetis (ed.), Science and Technology in Homeric Epics, Springer Verlag, 2008, pp. 325 - 340. (English text) & b) ?. ?. ???????? (???.), ???????? ??? ?????????? ??? ??????? ???, ???????? ???? ??????, 2009, ??. 256 - 268. (Greek text). 13. Laoupi, Amanda , (2006) : The socio-cultural profile of Hazards. Disaster Archaeology and the risk assessment of past catastrophic events. 11th International Symposium on Natural and Human-induced Hazards, 22 - 25 June 2006, University of Patras, Greece. (English text). 12. Laoupi, Amanda, Kyriakopoulos, K. & Papadopoulos, T. (2006) : The influence of volcanic hazards on the cultural and archaeological landscapes of the Circum-mediterranean region. Poster presentation. 11th International Symposium on Natural and Human-induced Hazards, 22 - 25 June 2006, University of Patras, Greece. (English text). 11. Laoupi, Amanda, (2006) : The Sirius' Cult in Ancient Greece. Aristaios and the Formation of the Attico- cycladic Substratum. International Conference on Archaeoastronomy- SEAC 2006 'ANCIENT WATCHING AT COSMIC SPACE AND OBSERVATION OF ASTRONOMICAL PHENOMENA', 6 - 10 April 2006, Island of Rhodes, Greece. Printed in Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry vol. 6(3), 2006 (special issue): 129 - 142 (English text). 10. Laoupi, Amanda, (2005) : Natural & man-made hazards in the cultural landscapes. Digitized maps in GIS environment. Participation within the workpackage presented by a interdisciplinary scientific team of the Centre for the Assessment of Natural Hazards and Proactive Planning (NTUA). Meeting organized by the Prefecture of Eastern Attica : 'Communication and Information Systems for the Mitigation of Natural Disasters', Paiania, 15 - 16 December 2005 (English text). 9. Laoupi, Amanda, (2005) : The Greek Myth of Pleiades in the Archaeology of Natural Disasters. Decoding, Dating and Environmental Interpretation. International Workshop on 'THE IMPACT OF NATURAL CATASTROPHES ON ANCIENT MEDITERRANEAN CIVILIZATIONS', 28-30 October 2005, Island of Rhodes, Greece (English text). Printed in MAA vol. 6(1), June 2006: 33 - 41. 8. Laoupi, Amanda , (2005) : Catastrophist Mythology. The Methodological Framework. International Conference on 'THE ATLANTIS HYPOTHESIS: SEARCHING FOR A LOST LAND', 11 - 13 July 2005, Island of Melos, Greece.(English text). In: St. Papamarinopoulos (ed.), Book of Proceedings, Heliotopos Publications, Athens, 2007, pp. 9 - 22. 7. Laoupi, Amanda, (2005) : An astromythological approach to the Lion Cave. The archetype of Aristaios in the attic - cycladic mythological cycles. 7th Meeting of Environmental Archaeology, Hellenic Society for the Protection of Environment and Cultural Heritage, Athens, 14 April 2005. (Greek text). In press 6. Laoupi, Amanda, (2003) :The hydro-climatic phenomenon El Nioo as regulatory process in the environmental equilibrium of the ecosystems of ancient Greece. 6th Meeting of Environmental Archaeology, Hellenic Society for the Protection of Environment and Cultural Heritage, Athens, 10 December 2003. In press (Greek text). 5. Laoupi, Amanda, (2003) :The Perspectives of Geoarchaeological Studies. The Classical Attica Case. Seminar on Earth Sciences, Dutch Institute of Athens, Athens, 19 March 2003. Printed abstracts (Greek text). 4. Karali, Lilian, Kavoura, Ismini, Laoupi, Amanda & Tsota, Evi (1999): Environmental Research at the University of Athens. Archaeozoological Research of 1997 - 1998. Poster presentation. International Conference 'Zooarchaeology in Greece: Recent Advances', Athens 9 - 11 September 1999, Hellenic Ministry of Culture. 3. Laoupi, Amanda & Karali, Lilian, (1997): The Paleoenvironment of the area of Thrace during the Classical Period. Actes of the B' International Symposium of Thracian Studies, September 1992. Ekdosi Morfotikou Omilou Komotinis, Komotini, t. I : 403 - 428 (Greek text). 2. Karali, Lilian & Laoupi Amanda, (1995): Environmental Archaeology in Greece today. Archaeology 56 : 64 - 70 (Greek text). 1. Laoupi, Amanda, (1992): The Contribution of Paleopathology to the scientific field of Environmental Archaeology. Antrhopologica Analecta 50 (2): 63 - 70 (Greek text).
11. 'Presentation of Phase B' of the project NOE / LITTORISK', Meeting organized by the Centre for the Assessment of Natural Hazards and Proactive Planning (NTUA), Attica Meeting, Athens, 14 - 15 December 2006. 10. 'Communication and Information Systems for the Mitigation of Natural Disasters', Meeting organized by the Prefecture of Eastern Attica, Paiania, 15 - 16 December 2005. 9. 7th Meeting of Environmental Archaeology, Hellenic Society for the Protection of Environment and Cultural Heritage, Athens, 14 April 2005. 8. 6th Meeting of Environmental Archaeology, Hellenic Society for the Protection of Environment and Cultural Heritage, Athens, 10 December 2003. 7. Seminar on Earth Sciences, Dutch Institute of Athens, Athens, 19 March 2003. 6. Conference on the Environmental and Archaeological Framework of the legislative corpus in Greece. Law School, Athens University, Athens, 11 December 2002. 5. 5th Meeting of Environmental Archaeology, Hellenic Society for the Protection of Environment and Cultural Heritage, Athens, 7 March 2002. 4. 4th Meeting of Environmental Archaeology, Hellenic Society for the Protection of Environment and Cultural Heritage, Athens, 8 May 2001. 3. 3rd Meeting of Environmental Archaeology, Hellenic Society for the Protection of Environment and Cultural Heritage, Athens, 3 March 2000. 2. 2nd Meeting of Environmental Archaeology, Hellenic Society for the Protection of Environment and Cultural Heritage, Athens, 31 March 1998. 1. 1st Meeting of Environmental Archaeology, Hellenic Society for the Protection of Environment and Cultural Heritage, Athens, 2 - 5 December 1996.
| |  Contact | e-mail: a l a o u p i @ o t e n e t . g r a l a o u p i @ g m a i l . c o m
|  Gods in heaven, havoc on Earth - ancient Greek and sanskrit parallels of comet/meteor gods | Go to paper |
|  The volcanic landscapes in the disaster mythology of the ancient Mediterranean world | Go to paper |
| | | |  |
|  | Amanda Laoupi and Alfred de Grazia |
 | Amanda Laoupi at the New Acropolis Museum Restaurant |