Christoph Meyer-Rudolphi | Chris Meyer-Rudolphi |
| Chris Meyer-Rudolphi was the technical assistant of the Conference and saw to it that all equipments performed optinally.
| He was born January 20, 1960 in Essen, Germany, the son of a surgeon, Friedrich-Wilhelm Meyer-Rudolphi, and an actress of German-Polish origins, Edita. He showed an early interest in all things electric and electronic, which his father thought might have originated soon after his birth, during his prolonged stay in an avant-garde incubator. It reached crisis proportion in his teens, when he inadvertendely set on fire part of the family house through a short-circuit while setting up an audio system. Chris went to the Realschule Essen and to the Otto-Pankok Gymnasium in Mülheim-an-der-Ruhr. He then studied Germanistic at the University of Duisburg, and electronics at the Fernuniversität Hagen. He travelled at length through the US and through South-East Asia and Turkey. He worked in a boostore but kept up his interest in electronics and in programming. He finally settled on the island of Naxos in the Kyklades, where his parents had bought an old fisherman's house and turned it into a vacation home, and started becoming interested in the grazian-archive project of Alfred de Grazia, who had been a close friend of his now deceased parents. He became the webmaster of the grazian-archive website and went through the ups and downs of the this pioneering project. He lives on the Island of Naxos.
|  | with Flavio Barbiero |
| The 2011 Living-Archives Conference at Villaines-la-Gonais, France
See also Chris at our Living Archives conference earlier this year (incl. videos) | Living-Archives Conference site |
|  Contact | z a r a t u s t r a 2 0 0 1 @ h o t m a i l . c o m |
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Contact: m e t r o n a x @ g m a i l . c o m | lundi 3 juin 2013 |